Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wondering How You Got Here? Turn and Follow God

Our son in law works for a company that builds highways. He mostly oversees the pavement mixes. He carries around huge cylinders of the asphalt and checks to see if it’s the right consistency and sets up correctly. As we ride across roads and interstates none of us wonders about the construction. We just enjoy the safety of the roads. But someone is working behind the scenes to make sure that all aspects of the infrastructure is right and safe. 

It’s the job of the road laying crew to lay out the pavement along the right paths.  What would happen if our son in law didn’t follow the right directions on making the paving materials?  It wouldn’t stand up to the traffic and it could even be dangerous when the road gave way under the load.  Imagine too if the laying crews didn’t follow the architect’s projected path. The road would end up going in whatever direction the crew decided for themselves. It would not lead to the intended destination. As they veered off the path they would encounter lack of foundation work, ditches, boulders, trees, more. To say the least the road would be unsafe and it could even lead to disaster.

Oh beloved, what road have you been traveling lately? Your own? Have you found that you are meeting huge obstacles or that you’ve ended up off God’s path?  Often we think it doesn’t matter if we vary from God’s design and way for our lives. But it does!  We cannot expect to go our own way and attempt to please the One Who designed things so that we could have life and live it more abundantly.  You may have traveled your own direction for a long time and thought it was find only to arrive at a dead end.

Run to the Lord, the Master Designer, this morning! It’s not too late to get on His Highway and follow His directions. Our Father in Heaven is always calling us back to His road; He’s always wooing us to Himself with love, comfort and peace. Let Him re-direct things for you and let Him open His Plan Book for you. His ways are best, His ways always lead to safety and ultimately to our destination.  There may be times when God’s road seems too hard to follow, but the only place of ultimate safety is His Way! He is calling you and He’s prepared a place for you. He loves you and He’s for you and that’s worth following Him!

Numbers 32:25  Then the men of Gad and Reuben replied, “We, your servants, will follow your instructions exactly.”

Psalm 5:8  Lead me in the right path, O LORD, or my enemies will conquer me. Make your way plain for me to follow.

Psalm 119:73 You made me; You created me. Now give me the sense to follow Your commands.

Psalm 37:23 The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.

2 Chronicles 15:4  But whenever they were in trouble and turned to the LORD, the God of Israel, and sought Him out, they found Him.

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