Friday, October 26, 2012

In the Dark? God Wants to Light Your Way!

I woke up in the night to find that the electricity is off in our neighborhood. It’s dark out! Not even a street light has been left on. Diona texted me to see if I was awake. She said Blake woke up crying because it was so dark. Pitch black is hard to deal with any time. Fortunately for us, the power has returned just now and we can move on.

I know you may be waking up this morning feeling totally in the dark. You’ve been hit with a power outage and you can’t see when it’s ever going to lighten up. Darkness seems to loom all around you and you grope to find the way. You try to make sense of the situation you’re in but it’s hard to when you’re hurting and reeling in the dark.

Oh beloved, run to the Lord, the Father of Lights! There is no shadow or turning in Him for He is the Light of the World! Yes, hard times can come on us as surprisingly as a power outage, but with the Lord as our light we never have to experience true loss of power! Our power for living is found in Him! He is the source of all answers to life’s dark times and He is the restorer of our power when things go dark. He not only goes with us, He lights the way so that even the darkness is dispelled before us. He says to you this morning Give Me your darkness – those areas of your life that make no sense or that you cannot control – I will make them as bright daytime for you as you lean closer and closer to My Light. I will never leave you in the dark or forsake you as you try to walk through those hard places. I AM trustworthy faithful and true. You are my beloved and I AM your Lord. One day you will see what I already know – that your good and My Glory are the outcome of every situation of life for you are Mine.

Run to His Word and see! All His promises are yours for you are bought with a price and cared for by the Creator of the Universe! Rejoice in Him regardless of the dark and wait in peace until the light returns! He loves you and He’s for you and that’s all that matters!

I John 1:5 This is the message we heard from Jesus and now declare to you: God is light, and there is no darkness in Him at all.

Job 12:22 He uncovers mysteries hidden in darkness; He brings light to the deepest gloom.

Psalm 18:28 You light a lamp for me. The LORD, my God, lights up my darkness.

Psalm 112:4 Light shines in the darkness for the godly. They are generous, compassionate, and righteous.

Isaiah 49:9 I will say to the prisoners, ‘Come out in freedom,’ and to those in darkness, ‘Come into the light.’ They will be My sheep, grazing in green pastures and on hills that were previously bare.

John 12:46 I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in Me will no longer remain in the dark.

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