Monday, October 21, 2013

Does Life Feel LIke a Maze?

I love the fall. The beautiful colors changing in the hardwood trees, the pots of colorful mums, pumpkins and harvest festivals are a sight to behold. Around our area there are several corn mazes. These mazes are intended to be loads of fun for the entire family. Corn mazes appear in many different designs. Some mazes are even created to tell stories or to portray a particular theme. Most have a path, which goes all around the whole pattern, either to end in the middle or to come back out again. It’s generally intended to be hard enough that you have to retrace some of your steps or try a new direction in order to get through it.

When you enter a maze you have no way of seeing the pattern of the route. It’s obscured because you are at ground level and the corn stalks are generally head high or taller. You just have to feel your way around, walk carefully and remember where you’ve been. It can get a little scary because it’s hard to know if you’re near the end of it or if you have circled back to the beginning. Some of the haunted mazes have characters hiding along the way to scare people and to make them scream.

Life is a lot like a maze. We find our faith walk’s beginning and the focal point is Christ, the Entrance to real life. We begin walking and encounter lots of twists and turns along the way. Some of them are filled with dangers, dread and trouble. We get confused and turned around. We can’t see where our life is going, we can’t plan every step, we try to keep walking in belief. We wonder sometimes if God is asking us to go back or if He’s asking us to have faith and keep going.

God speaks to our hearts: My precious child. You may see life as a maze that’s impossible to traverse. The view from your flesh is only as far as your eye can see. But My view is complete. I know the exact path of your life. I know the twists and turns that are simply part of the bigger picture of your entire life. I am the creator of all you cannot see and all you are going to accomplish through it all. I am the finisher of the maze and I will keep you heading in the right direction all the days of your life. And even if you get off track, you only have to come to Me for redirection. Even if someone else tries to confuse you and upset you with their lack of planning or their purposeful misdirection I am your Guide all the way through. I will never leave you to meet your fears alone, I will never let someone else take you where I don’t want you to go and I will always lead you with love!

Oh beloved, you can trust the Lord to guide you by His light and His Word. Everything you need to know how to live, where to go and how to navigate through life’s troubles is written out for you by the Holy Spirit.  Ultimately no one can send you through a maze that God Himself has not allowed. Ultimately even a twist or turn that was meant to harm you or get you lost from His plan will be used for His glory and your good. God will turn it all around, get you through the darkness and set you on High with Him. His Word is your map through all you encounter so that you are no longer the victim of rejection, misdirection or your own will. Reach out to God’s Word, reject the enemy’s lies, walk forward with faith and remember that God will not let you stay confused, lose your way, or remain lost for His path for your life is confirmed in heaven.

God loves you and He’s for you and He’s all you need to get through this life and get to the next life where you will live with Him forever!

Jeremiah 14:9 Are you also confused? Is our champion helpless to save us? You are right here among us, Lord. We are known as Your people. Please don’t abandon us now!

Psalm 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

Psalm 143:11 For the glory of Your name, O Lord, preserve my life. Because of Your faithfulness, bring me out of this distress.

Psalm 16:7 I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me.

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