Thursday, March 05, 2009

It All Depends on Mount Perspective

Last year was a real wild ride for us! Just part of that was the Riding a Greased Snake episode and post. Lots of things were going on and lots of people in our family were having issues. Danny and I had a great year -- it was just the stuff going on all around us that was so interesting.

I've always read the 23rd Psalm and I love it! Especially when you look at it by each segment.
The other morning I was reading, "He preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies".

As I always tell people, I am a visual thinker. I see pictures when I think. This is what the Lord showed me and I wish I was also a painter so I could show you what i saw, but anyway...

I was sitting at a huge round dining table and it was full of all kinds of lovely food - fruits in compote bowls, vegetables in silver trays. I mean it was like one of those Rembrandt paintings.

The whole table was illuminated from above with a warm bright light.

Just out of reach in the dark shadows encircling me were creatures: my enemies. Lions and tigers and bears and creatures like Gollum in Lord of the Rings. They were scurrying and growling and making gutteral noises.

But I was not afraid one bit. I wasn't worried about those creatures in the dark.

Because I was in the Light. We need never be afraid of our enemies, because we are sitting at His banquet table and His Light shines on us. Those "creatures" that want to bother us and frighten us and get our minds off the Feast can't get out of the dark.

So it is with last year. It all depends on how one looks at it.

God spoke to my heart and told me to look at the events of last year:

We had a blow out.
He protected us and we never had a scratch on us.

Danny nearly crashed the sport bike.
He protected him by keeping from going down the mountain.

Aunt Alice was with us 6 months.
He found a place of refuge for her and all her needs are met.

A couple of people in our family didn't speak to us for months and months.
He restored those relationships.

Remember dear ones, we can either focus on the enemies or we can focus on the ways God was with us. Not all things turn out "perfect" and yet they do. Because His word says, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee".

Be sure you keep a look at what God is doing and don't worry about the shadows. He's keeping us in the light on Mt. Perspective!

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