Wednesday, November 07, 2012

You Are Truly A Work of Art!

“You’re a piece of work!” comes to mind this morning. I’ve heard it on TV. I’ve heard fathers say it their kids. I’m pretty sure Archie Bunker said it to Edith at least once. Exasperated people use phrases such as this to vent their frustrations. I cringe as I remembered my own occasional irritability when mine were young. I didn’t talk to them that way, but there were times I would get tired of the chaos, clutter and cacophony of daily life at home with three young children.  We spent a lot of time outdoors, working in the yard, picking up sticks (I offered a penny a stick as reward!) and riding bicycles, chasing puppies, feeding chickens.  The outdoors made for smoother days as my kiddos worked off their enormous energy stores.

Perhaps you grew up in a home with an unfulfilled mother or an annoyed father or both.  Their anger and bitterness with themselves might have accidentally poured out on you.  Their words linger in the air, long after you are grown, still feeling the hurt and pain. Just as I remember hearing the phrase from long ago, you too may be recalling unintentional or intentional hurts from yesteryear.  Maybe you are the frustrated one and you are having issues as you try to live a life worth living.

Listen to the Lord’s love song to you this morning as He speaks affection into your life. God never gets frustrated with you, ever! He never throws up His hands and says, “done”. He never says you’re hopeless and He will never walk away.  He is the One Who will come and scoop you up when you’ve fallen. He kisses the hurts away with His tender words of care. 

Oh beloved!  You are not a piece of work to Him ever, but rather you are truly a work of art in His sight! You may have looked like a blank canvas when you were born but He is the painter and He gently guided the Colors of Love, Hope, Peace and Comfort onto your canvas as He created you to dwell in beauty and joy! Not only did He create you, He is continuing the canvas of your life!  He will continue His Artwork until you are home and even then you will continue to be a beautiful masterpiece in His Mansion, which is your heavenly home!

Rejoice as you learn to let Him sing love into your life and speak hope into your heart, because He loves you and He’s for you and that makes you priceless!

Ephesians 2:10  For we are God’s masterpiece…

Isaiah 29:16 How foolish can you be? He is the Potter, and He is certainly greater than you, the clay! Should the created thing say of the One who made it, “He didn’t make me”? Does a jar ever say, “The Potter who made me is stupid”?

Isaiah 43:7 Bring all who claim Me as their God, for I have made them for My glory. It was I who created them.

Job 10:10 You guided my conception and formed me in the womb.

Psalm 139:14 Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.

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