Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Rescued to Live Loved Forever!

My grandchildren love super heroes! There are so many to watch. Movies to cartoons have the characters that come to the rescue, help the distressed and deliver the captives.  They also do their best to destroy the bad guys.  Super heroes have infinite power and unstoppable strengths.  They are awesome and available for any situation.  It’s great to have a few movies and shows left where there is a definite bad guy and definite good guy.  The lines have been blurred in our society so that no one is very bad or very good. 

My brother was my first super hero.  He has always been a blessing to me, but as a child I looked up to him for protection and hugs.  He was tall, handsome and strong. Although he was 13 years older than me, he always took time for his little sister.  He made a snowman for me when we had a rare Houston snow, brought me a doll for Christmas when he was in the Navy and we continue to love one another whenever we get the chance.  We talk often and well, he’s just “super”!

Super heroes abound in the world of faith as well. From Billy Sunday to Billy Graham and Smith Wigglesworth to Beth Moore, there are super heroes for any personality or problem.  I find myself reading quotes from them occasionally and finding great solace in their words.

I think though that brothers (and sisters) in Christ are the greatest super heroes. Those folks who stay by your side, speak love and encouragement into your life and walk beside you when times are hard.  They are average citizens by birth but giants of the faith by re-birth.  They hang in there, they are approachable and they stick with you when others walk away or speak negatively.

Oh beloved, I pray this morning that you have super hero friends in faith! But above all I pray that you know that Christ Himself is our perfect Super Hero! He will always be with you. He can always be trusted. His ways are perfect for any way you find yourself in – whether it’s the way of pain, suffering, discouragement, or abandonment. You may be kicked to the curb, left to the wolves, placed in the trash or told you are unwanted.  But the King of Kings says you are made perfect, have a new start, generously loved, greatly needed, always remembered and eternally cared for. An ordinary king might consider you beneath himself, but not Our King! He left the Throne of Heaven to grant you ultimate Victory! Rejoice this morning that you live loved forever! Rejoice that you are part of His Kingdom! Rejoice that you are never alone! His plans for you are wonderful and as you cling closer to Him, His plan will unfold before you! Oh what a Savior, oh what a friend!

Isaiah 42:13 The LORD will march forth like a mighty Hero; He will come out like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout His battle cry and crush all His enemies.

Acts 2:25 King David said this about Him: ‘I see that the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me.

Romans 10:12 Jew and Gentile are the same in this respect. They have the same Lord, who gives generously to all who call on Him.

Psalm 109:21 But deal well with me, O Sovereign LORD, for the sake of Your own reputation! Rescue me because You are so Faithful and Good.

Psalm 68:4 Sing praises to God and to His name! Sing loud praises to Him who rides the clouds. His name is the LORD— rejoice in His presence!

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