Friday, October 12, 2012

To Sail on with the Lord You Must let Go of the Shore

Stella is getting sturdier on her feet. While she’s not walking alone all across the floor yet, she will let go of one piece of furniture and take a couple of steps to the next one. It takes her a moment. She will hold on with one hand and spy her next spot. Then after careful consideration, you can see her little mind working, she lets go and goes for the next one.  It’s cute and we all applaud and whoop! Sometimes she doesn’t quite make it and down she goes.  When she first started, she cried every time she went down. Now she just plops and readjusts.  Sometimes her brothers get right in her way just as she steps and down again she goes.

We often want to set out into uncharted waters. We’re certain in our hearts that something is over there. But by our calculations it’s a pretty wide chasm. We wonder about the dangers ahead. We wonder about the things that could get in our way.  We think we hear the Lord beckoning us to let go of the shore, but it’s a daunting process.  Can we trust ourselves? What if we get loose and go down?

Oh beloved, it’s time to set sail. It’s time to reach beyond your present circumstances. It’s time to move out of your fears, your mistakes, your troubles and move on into the future. If you belong to the Lord, your life is no longer your own.  He says to you, let Me take you beyond yourself. Let Me relieve your fears and show you how to live free of the ropes that hold you so tightly to your present shore. It’s beautiful ahead and I am choosing to use you to follow Me. Unless you’re willing to let go of your present comfort, you will never truly set sail with Me.

Yes, the waters may be deeper, there may be obstacles ahead, but with the Lord’s applause as you go, what else is needed? He loves you and together you and He will do marvelous things with your life! He’s on your side so every worry is taken care of, and every fear is calmed. Set sail today for this is the day you have!

 John 10:4 After He has gathered His own flock, He walks ahead of them, and they follow Him because they know His voice.

Hebrews 10:23  Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise.

Psalm 121:3 He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber.



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